The installation education centers invite colleges and universities to teach evening and weekend classes on bases as well, They also assist with preparing applications for tuition assistance, scheduling and preparing for CLEP/ DANTES exams and setting up professional certification testing. The center’s education services officers help identify the available degree programs that best fit an individual’s background, interests and goals. Installation education centers play an important role in helping service members earn degrees. Where can I find education help at my installation? Common Access cards (CAC) are needed to log in.
Service members can obtain a copy of their JST by visiting the JST website at. That document explains how many and what kind of credit hours have been earned.
Where can I find out how many credits I’ve earned through training and education?Īll training and education is documented on the Joint Services Transcript (JST), which is available online. Note that you may be able to test out of having to take some of these classes as well, through CLEP/DANTES (College-Level Examination Program/Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support) exams. In most cases, the following college credit hours must be added to the average service member's military experience to complete an associate degree in general studies (numbers will vary by degree program): Most colleges require 60 to 65 credit hours for an associate degree and 120 to 130 credit hours for a bachelor’s degree.